By ADalhouseDesign
Andrew Dalhouse, Founder of AA Media Studios featured on TechRound

Starting a company is truly one of the instances in life where no matter how hard I prepared for it, without physically experiencing it you’re completely unaware of the actual reality.”
“For months, possibly years I’d manifested ideas, designed logos, business cards, obsessed over figures, and got myself in the best possible position to take this step into self-employment or so I thought.”
“Prior to this I’d worked 10 years for an IT company, so I was certain this was going to be the future I’d planned but after all the steps I’d previously spoken on and more, I found myself one day sitting in my office staring at the wall contemplating if I’d made the right decision. From that day forward I had to accept the fact that I wasn’t going to be paid monthly or be able to ask my bosses for overtime work if I wanted to earn extra money, take days off through sickness, and that now there weren’t going to be 100’s of other workers who could pick up the slack when I wasn’t able to reach full potential.